

About Entry to Campus and University Reception Services (from April 1, 2023) (updated March 30, 2023)



Taking into account the societal circumstances concerning COVID-19, entry to campus and reception counter services are as follows.

* This may vary depending on the circumstances of contagion.

■ About Entry to Campus

Please take your body temperature at home before commuting to school or work.

If your temperature is 37.5 or higher, you will not be allowed to enter campus. (Applicable until May 7, 2023) 

* Check here for details.

* Temperature check stations have been set up at multiple buildings on campus, so please take your temperature as needed on your own.

The wearing of masks will be recommended in cases If you talk with others at insufficient distance, whether indoors or outdoors.

Carry out proper cough etiquette.

Be thorough in washing hands with soap frequently, as well as disinfecting hands as necessary.

See Campus Entry Possibility Regarding COVID-19 if you have symptoms such as a cold or fever.


■ About Class

Check here for the response to COVID-19 for classes in 2023.

■ About Reception Counters for All Administrative Offices

We ask that you make inquiries to any of the university’s reception counters from 9:00-17:00 Monday-Friday or 9:00-12:30 Saturday after also checking “Measures for All Administrative Departments” below. 

However, for each of the following departments are as indicated.

Clinic   Please check here.

Independent Graduate Schools Office   12:30-20:30 Monday-Friday or 10:00-17:00 Saturday

* This may vary depending on the circumstances of contagion.



■ Measures for All Administrative Departments

See below for measures for all administrative departments.


Academic Affairs

Student Affairs

Career Center


General Inquiry

Public Relations
