

Rikkyo’s responses to conducting the final exams for Spring 2021



July 9, 2021

Rikkyo University 

President Renta Nishihara

To all students,

The government of Japan has decided to declare a state of emergency for Tokyo again from July 12, where the COVID-19 positive cases are on the rise. The semi-emergency coronavirus spread prevention measures, which has been enforced in Saitama since April 20, will continue to be effective. In response to the above, we will uplift the restriction level of Rikkyo’s guideline to restrict activities to Level 3 on July 14. Here I need to inform you of the incident which took place off campus that a number of students have been infected by COVID-19 in some dormitory. In a situation like this, I am sure there are some people who are concerned about how the final exams for Spring 2021 will be conducted, but Rikkyo University will conduct the final exams on campus during the period of July 14 to July 31, while paying close attention to the prevention of COVID-19 expansion. 

University’s courses will not be completed when you finish taking them but will be completed only when your academic performance is justifiably evaluated. Each college establishes the syllabi for their courses to be offered based on the educational policies to organize curricula, clearly indicating the criteria for completion and provides the criteria and methods of evaluation so that the students may manage their studies in an effective manner. As a necessary method to thoroughly evaluate the students’ academic performance, we decide to provide such evaluation methods as written exams, report exams, and in-class points. Even in a current COVID-19 pandemic crisis, when we think it is necessary to justifiably evaluate students’ academic performance required for educational curricula, we decide to conduct written exams regardless of the style of the course (e.g. in-person, mixed, online, on-demand). Please note that we will take thorough measures as below in conducting written exams.

【Implementation of written exams in-person】

We conducted our undergraduate general entrance exams in-person, taking thorough viral prevention measures against COVID-19 based on the guideline by MEXT in the middle of the declaration of a state of emergency in this February. As a consequence of our measures, there was not any case of the viral expansion or clusters of COVID-19 positives, and all the entrance exams were successfully finished as scheduled.


When we started our classes for Spring 2021, we thoroughly conducted viral prevention measures against COVID-19, such as restricting entry to campus, placing sanitizers for each building, setting up a zone of taking a body temperature, adjusting distance between seats, improving ventilation equipment. We want you to know that we started our classes to be conducted in person for Spring 2021 based on our thorough viral prevention measures, adjusting the system of class implementation responding to the situation of the cases of COVID-19 positives. Since then, we have always continued to support students’ learning, making appropriate adjustments for the method of course implementation in accordance with the situation of COVID-19 positives in Tokyo area.

Currently, viral expansion of variants has also been reported, but we want you to know that the prevention measures which we have been taking are considered effective.


Today, many students are coming to campus for their classes to be conducted in person or online, we are taking necessary measures including thorough ventilation and securing enough lunch space to avoid congestion during the break. Of course, we will continue to work on the measures mentioned above during the period of final exams and make a thorough viral prevention against COVID-19 on campus.

Based on the above, with regards to the implementation of final exams, we stipulate the implementation policy responding to the level of Rikkyo’s guideline to restrict activities and decide to conduct written exams in person when the activities’ restriction level is 0 to 3.


【COVID-19 infection prevention policy in conducting written exams in person】

We make sure to follow the following measures thoroughly when we conduct written exams in person:

1. Students, faculty and staff will thoroughly carry out measures, such as wearing a mask, sanitizing hands and fingers, and taking a body temperature.

2.  All the people at each exam venue are required to wear a mask.

3.  All the people who will enter campus are required to take a body temperature upon entry to campus.

4.  At each exam venue, alcohol sanitizers are placed near the entrance and exit of the room and on podium and near the common areas such as restrooms.

5.  At each exam venue, examinees’ seats are pre-arranged so that the examinees may keep a certain distance from others.

6.  At each exam venue, proctors will occasionally open the doors and windows for ventilation.

7.  On the podium, where proctors may use, a partition will be placed. 

8.  Campus facilities and equipment will be thoroughly sanitized during the cleaning.

Regarding the prevention measures in conducting the final exams, please refer to 4. Special measures for Spring 2021 in the exam method for Rikkyo students dated June 30, 2021.

【Make-up exams (special measures)】

We will take thorough measures mentioned above, so you may rest assured to take written exams. If you are concerned about the health for yourself or your family members with whom you live by taking the written exams in person, we are going to take special measures for the make-up exams in early September. The requirements to take the make-up exams (special measures) will be announced separately by the university, so make sure to read the announcement by yourself. 

【Request for students】

Some cases of COVID-19 positives have been reported at Rikkyo, but those cases have resulted from their activities and behavior outside of the classes. We want you to carry out a thorough action to observe the guideline to prevent the viral expansion of COVID-19, wear a mask, sanitize hands and fingers, and exercise social distancing. 

The guideline to prevent the viral expansion of COVID-19 (2021) (updated April 14, 2021)

(https://spirit.rikkyo.ac.jp/newslist/_layouts/15/Vc5.Spirit.PortalV2/Post.aspx?ID=00022394 )

Please note that you should avoid congestion for taking a body temperature upon entry to campus and plan to arrive at campus ahead of time on the day of your written exams. Also when your written exams are finished or your use of campus facilities is finished, you are encouraged to go home without socializing or dining with your friends.

We sincerely hope that you will get back your campus life soon, in which we may see your smile everywhere on campus. Please understand that we are working hard to try our best. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation once again.
